My sweet baby is staggering around acting drunk. HELP!


9 Years
Dec 9, 2010
Lancaster, Kentucky
Ok. I have 16 ladies all will be 8 weeks on Thursday. Saturday I went out to check on them and noticed one was laying down which is not abnormal but when I let them out to free range a bit they all did their typical rush the pen door because "YAY we get to go play!" Patricia did not. She walked like she was drunk and highstepped out and was very unsteady on her feet. Normally she is one that will not let me get a hold of her at all and did try to get away from me but was a slow go so I ended up getting her. She was very vocal and spirited about not wanting to be held. I rolled her around to see if she had any wounds and she calmly laid on her on her back. Almost like she was paralyzed but not. She has a tendancy to push her legs frontward when encouraged to perch. I seperated her that night and she was eating well and looks normal and acts normal other than this akward gate. I tried to encourage her to drink but she was not interested. I have not noticed what her poop looks like. The next day I did let her free range a bit with her friends and she was actually walking a lot better though still affected and laid down for most of the time. I've been trying to do research and can't decide if this is mareks or something different. I did have them vaccinated from the breeder for maereks but not cocci. They are eating medicated chick starter and up until a week or so ago I was still giving them electrolights in their water because its been very hot in Kentucky. When reading up on it, seems like it could be Cocci instead. If so how do I treat it. There are no symptoms in any of the other girls and she does seem to be getting better by the day. Please help, Im heartbroken that she may die or have to be culled. :-(
It could be a nerve injury. It could be Marek's. 90% respond to the vaccine. She could be one that didn't.
I would wait and see if she gets worse, or if others do it.
Sometimes vaccinated chicks go thru a phase where Marek symptoms show up, then disappear a few days later, it's something to do with their reaction to the vaccine, it's transient, and doesn't mean that they actually have it.
Heat exhaustion/dehydration can cause those symptoms (I've been through it with several hens during the heat wave), as body sodium contributes to neural transmission. And if she recently came off of electrolytes, her body could be having difficulty adjusting to the change. If she were mine and her symptoms either didn't improve or came back, I would 1) cage her until I got a good look at her poop - if it's cocci it will be runny and possibly even bloody, then, AFTER you see what her poop looks like now, 2) give her a weak electrolyte solution and encourage lots of fluid consumption (a thin paste made with a favorite treat, etc.) This second step can cause soft stools from the extra fluids, so that's why it's important to assess the poop first. My hens responded very quickly to electrolytes and were back to full speed within 2 days.

ETA: If she's still reluctant to drink, try adding just a tablespoon of fruit or berry juice (mine love cranberry) or even better, V-8 juice to her water. You don't want to give enough to cause diarrhea (the fruit juice), but a little flavor can often entice them to drink, and regardless of what the problem ultimately proves to be, since hydration is essential to good health anyway it can't hurt.
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Thanks Spirit dance, I will try that.
Ok, update. I let her freerange with the others and she is still acting kinda normal, picking at clover, etc. But I noticed a few of the girls had her cornered and were pecking her so I seperated them again. She has been walking better than the initial day that I found her but still tires easily and ends up laying down. As far as the electrolytes are concerned....I weened them off gradually from adding that in their water but had no idea they could get sick from withdrawing that. Is it a good idea to always have that added in their water? The girls poop is usually a little runny but looked to be in the normal range. I have been giving them water melon (they LOVE!!!!) and tomatoes (they also LOVE) on these really hot days. The temperature has came down quite a bit though. I never saw any of them panting hard or extending their wings to cool off and their coop stayed about 90 even on the hottest days though they had the run during the day. The coop is also under a shade tree so I think they stayed fairly comfortable.
I checked on her this morning and no bloody or even runny stool. It was a brown color and fairly solid. perhaps a little thinner than the consistancy of toothpaste? Little white cap on the top. I will try to encourage more liquid tonight. Maybe some cantelope will give her some hydration? I hope the problem is she's just a little dehydrated, I hate the thought of having to cull her. :-(
This heat is really beating them up. I put e-lytes in their water twice a week. I also freeze ice blocks in rubbermaid containers and put them in the water-every day. I feel like a slave to ice. I also run the hose on the ground and make a puddle, running the water for about 2 hours, and they do stand in it and cool off. I live in Florida. Twice this year I've had to bring a chicken into the house to give them a break from the heat. I keep them in for 2 days or so, then put them back out at night. So far so good. Every little bit helps.
Sometimes they act like that before developing wry neck. I would add infant polyvisol without iron to the water, and give her vitamin e orally. It won't hurt, and may help
good luck.

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