Suet Blocks?

I give my flock suet blocks but I buy the one in high fat for winter and the berry one for summer, which I crumble and mix in their scratch. They seem to eat all of it, it took a couple of tries but once the hen in highest pecking order started to eat it, then they all wanted it. With winter coming and the days getting cooler, it's time for me to switch to the winter suet. I don't feed it to them all the time, just once a week, it's now more of a "treat" and not part of their main diet.
I've given mine suet blocks containing peanut butter, as a treat, and they LOVE it!
I only have 5 birds, though, so I break it up into quarters so they don't devour the entire thing in one sitting. It's so rich in fat, I was afraid to have them gorge themselves on it.
They will just keep pecking at it until it's gone, otherwise.

FYI--Another good winter-time treat for anyone like me, who has a small suburban/urban flock, is a mini bale of alfalfa (they sell them in pet superstores in the rabbit/rodent section). This morning I put the bale in their run and they went crazy, scratching through it and eating small bits of green. I also give them soaked alfalfa pellets from time to time, but they really enjoy scratching through the bale of hay.
I give mine suet blocks in the winter, looking for the varieties that have the highest protein levels. They think they are a great treat so they don't last long.
Mine get a block occasionally in the summer and twice a week in the winter. They seem to enjoy the variety of flavors.
microwave it for 30 sec for a warm treat. Any longer than that and it becomes a runny mess.

Meijer has them on sale for .80 a piece right now
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I make my own out of meat and fat scraps. Sometimes I heat them up a bit and roll them in seeds. They LOVE it either way.

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