what type of predator eats just the neck of a chickens?

I lost 3 penned pullets the same way, but mine where during the day. I found out if was a Red Tail Hawk!! He still visits, but I think the rest of the birds are too big ( or too smart, from watching others get ate!) for him.
Skunk, raccoon, possum or any one of the animals in the weasel family all could have killed it. Depending on where you live one may be more likely than another.
Foxes are very known for just taking the heads and necks of prey specialy if the fowl is penned in then they just pull through fence or wire, foxes also are known for killing for the heck of it as well, I'm sorry to hear so though
This was a bird we raised from an egg and gave to another 4-H student. We had too many cockerels. He won the Grand Champion large fowl at the county fair. Also did well at State and at a local Poultry show.
Unfortunately, he let the bird do free range most of the time and just left his cage door open. Since July, he had been fine at taking care of himself at night.
Just never know when something is going to come looking to kill and eat or just kill.
Feel really bad for him and have offered him some Sumatra chicks and a couple of Sumatra hens. Not sure if he will take them or not but if so, maybe he will keep them in a better coop and keep them up at night.
We had possums years ago, go over the fence and up the ramp eating only heads, it got shot, left hole in the coop, that was before BYC, so I didn't know everything about predators....yet
opossum, raccoon, or skunk are your most likely suspects. Foxes will kill everything in the pen, then eat what they want. Redtail and Coopers hawks will kill full grown chickens and eat head, neck, & sometimes part of the breast meat. I had a 3 year old Buff Orpington Roo that they killed. Big heavy Roo and he was positioned to try and protect a young pullet.
I miss Big Roo

I wonder if the neck has a certain flavor to the predator?
I've seen weasels before around my house but never tried getting my chickens, only gophers, now a bobcat!

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