BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

How long do these fridge boxes hold up? Is it a one year and done situation or do the boxes last a long time?
I don't know, this is my first one. If you have somewhere to store it where it stays dry, the mice don't get at it and the plastic lining holds up I would think it could last a long time.
I will stash this one to use again in February, then we'll see if I think it's worth hanging on to. There's a good chance I'll use the cardboard for another project.

Our second brooder. We got more chicks so we built a bigger one.
I had to move it out from our garage to the barn though...miss seeing them when we go in and out!
I put a layer of newspapers on the bottom, then wood shavings and put straw on the top.

Here are my 7 weeks old chicks.
I fluff the shavings and straw once in a while but never change the bedding materials till all the chicks move out.
They stay dry and keep their feet clean, and the smell is not bad in the enclosed area of the barn.
I dump it out to the compost and start with fresh bedding with new chicks.

Just finished my brooder,I love it theres a front window and 2 side windows with hardware cloth over them and a nail on top you just have to lift up to open the door and put the nail back in the hole at the top that goes into the door to close it and we screwed a hole on the top right corner to screw the brooder lamp into can't wait till the chicks hatch 2 eggs are due Sunday I'll post pictures with the chicks in it too
Here is our brooder from last year...(actually my friend's but ours looks the same)

I think that next time around I'm getting this one....the dog kennel worked fine but cleaning it was a b*%$#!!! I had to crawl inside w/ a shop vac hose....ewww I like the idea of a slide out tray and I'd add some pieces of wood scraps for them to sit on when little.
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With NO building skills myself, I intend to make a large brooder. I just wanted to say, I've spent the last three days going over this post, and it's SO inspiring! Very talented people, and awesome ideas here! I have about 100 pages left to I'm sure I'll see MORE amazing stuff! Just wanted to say thanks!
Here are a couple of pics of mine, mostly from the outside, since the inside pics are usually close ups of peepers. We built it to be our hen house before we realized chickens would be our main crop. It's 3' x 5', fully insulated, has electrical outlets, nest boxes, and is now fenced so the peepers can be gradually introduced to the outside. The hatch has a screen door and we open the wooden door during the day when they are older, so they can see outside. Later we take the screen out so they can be in the area under the coop with food & water. After that they get access to a small run attached, and then they get moved to a grow out pen.

Right now it has 25 or so peepers in it, with a 250 watt heat lamp, gallon waterer, and red plastic trough feeder with a lid with holes in it to keep them from scratching it out.

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