First time at Auction - Rare Mille Fleur Leghorn Hatching Eggs - One Dozen+


The Omelet Ranch
10 Years
Sep 18, 2009
SF East Bay CA
Auction ends Saturday 2/25 - 5 pm PST
Bidding begins at $45 and will continue with $1 increments till that time.

Please reply to this ad to increase the bidding.

One Dozen+ Limited Release!

We are excited to be able to share a very limited number of Mille Fleur Leghorn hatching eggs!


We pride ourselves on being one of only a few breeders of Mille Fleur Leghorns in the United States who are dedicated to improving this breed. We want to know that every bird coming from The Omelet Ranch is true to type, from breast to tail and from comb to toe. We produce small numbers of high quality hatching eggs and birds.

Like all Leghorns, Mille Fleur hens are excellent layers. Unlike other Leghorns, Mille Fleurs are surprisingly mild-mannered. This exceedingly rare breed is curious, friendly, and very productive. They lay nice white to light cream eggs.

The color pattern on these birds is beautiful. Their rich, red brown and golden coloring, speckled with white and black, is very striking. Large red combs and wattles in the males and nicely floppy combs on the female mark their journey towards the Leghorn Standard. Sleek mid-sized bodies speak of their Mediterranean heritage.

Due to the fact that so few people are breeding this variety of Leghorn, there is still work to be done in improving the breed. My stock was obtained from a few gentlemen (NO hatcheries!), each of whom had a great eye for the standards. As these are dangerously close to extinction, we’ve been working hard to improve our flocks with strong culling of our juveniles to assure that next year we have an even better built bird.

We had not planned to sell hatching eggs so soon, but the chicks are turning out far better than expected! They are all hatching with yellow legs and looking very much like their parents. Fertility is off the charts!

If you have considered raising a rare breed or adding a new rare breed to your flock, consider the Mille Fleur Leghorn. They don’t come up for sale very often, so grab the chance while it is here!

Shipping is via Fedex overnight (we have amazing rates) Each egg is packed in an individual bubble pouch then floated in packing peanuts to assure the least vibration to the eggs. As there is no guarantee on shipped eggs, we do our very best to insure perfect delivery and of course we include extras!

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