Looking for buff Silkies, d'uccles, seramas and any hatching eggs in NY (Fulton county and surrounding areas)


In the Brooder
Jan 21, 2022
Hey everyone!

I am looking to add a few bearded Buff silkies (hens and one rooster), d'uccles (hens, any color but especially mille fleur), and possibly a few serama hens.

We are also very much wanting to load up the incubators to add to our large mixed "fun flock"
This flock contains our pet birds of multiple different breeds and mixes so any barnyard mix eggs are welcome (we especially adore Easter eggers!) My girls are still on their winter break 🤣
Definitely also interested in hatching eggs from any of the three breeds I listed above.

Is there anyone in this area who has or knows of someone who has anything available?
Hi! I am doing a test run of our fertile eggs in March. If it is successful, I have some fun mixes you might like. Roos are 2 EE, 1 OE & 1 Buff Orpington. I can pick out just blue/green eggs or add a few dark brown ones for some cool colors. Those hens are Legbar, Whiting Blue & Green, & EE, dark eggs are Cuckoo Marans, Welsummer, & Blue Cuckoo.

I can DM you if fertility is high aftet the test hatch if you are interested!

Fulton county is a little over an hour from us if that isn’t too far.
Hi! I am doing a test run of our fertile eggs in March. If it is successful, I have some fun mixes you might like. Roos are 2 EE, 1 OE & 1 Buff Orpington. I can pick out just blue/green eggs or add a few dark brown ones for some cool colors. Those hens are Legbar, Whiting Blue & Green, & EE, dark eggs are Cuckoo Marans, Welsummer, & Blue Cuckoo.

I can DM you if fertility is high aftet the test hatch if you are interested!

Fulton county is a little over an hour from us if that isn’t too far.
That would be great! I usually keep my incubators full from January straight through the fall but I'm off to a late start this year with my stubborn ladies 🤣 I'm not sure which way from me you are but I do travel throughout NY and sometimes even surrounding states so I'm sure I can find myself your way when you're ready for sales!

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