Looking for photos--"barnyard mix"


6 Years
Mar 26, 2017
Hello Folks,
Sorry I've been out of the loop for a while.

I am working on a writing project, and was hoping to collect interesting photos of "barnyard mix" chickens. It would be great if I could find some first and second (and more) gen images, to illustrate the variability that can come from that sort of thing.

If anyone has, and would be willing to share some photos of their random, weird, beautiful mixed chickens, I'd love to see them. Not just the happy accidents--the ugly ducklings too.

The "project" I am working on was to obtain a small grant locally, with the hopes of developing a flock ideally suited to my local conditions. The basis of the project was to used a mixed flock, and a spiral breeding strategy, to try and homogonize the genetics.

I found 3 people on the web who offer hatching eggs taken from mixed flocks. And some of the flocks sounded amazing--mixing pure breeds with mixed, and running a lot of roosters with a big flock. I had considered starting my flock from there-hatching eggs from some really diverse flocks. Then separate the roosters and hens, and put them into a spiral breeding program. Already by the 2nd gen their would be 4 way crosses. (I am not new to chickens--I realize how much room, work, and money this would cost. Breeding anything is not for the faint of heart).

In any case, some good, interesting photos would be great.-

Credit for the photographs will obviously be included. Credit where it's due!

Thank you for any help
This is Yokie Jr. She's a Yokohama mix hen that I hatched about 7 years ago, so she's one of my oldest chickens, and one of my favorites. She goes broody every year and is a great mom

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