Rhode Island Red Thread!

Question, I have an opportunity to get a RIR rooster, what should I think about?

I have 10 Isa Browns and that are 18 weeks and he is 16 the ad said. How many hens per? Is more the merrier to prevent aggressiveness??
My RIR (Mabel) turned out to be a crowing rooster. He was great as a chick but now is mean and harasses the others. He attacked my husband's legs and chases the little ones and pecks them till they squawk. I intervene when I see or hear it. He is really pretty with beautiful green tail feathers - but he has got to go.
Thats so sad.
Well Phillie may have more issues than I thought. She recently started walking and running funny. I gave her a really good check up. She does have a lot of pin feathers in her butt fluff which may be rubbing when she walks and causing her some discomfort but when she moves she seems almost lopsided like her spine it out of alignment. She kind of limps but it's more of a hop when she steps. She shows no signs up being in pain, she's standing normally, foraging, running, just has the weird walk and lopsidedness. I'm going to keep a close eye on her. If she does have some developmental problem with her spine it could explain why she's so runty and slow to develop. Hopefully it's not anything serious and she's just a little different.

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