Well started Embden Goslings (2 mos old)


10 Years
Aug 11, 2011
Upshur County, Texas
I ordered some hatchery choice goslings back in February in a greater number than I intended to keep to compensate for losses-- then had no losses! I have several 2 month old goslings now available for sale at 20$ each (The hatcheries sell them at about 10$ as day olds in the mail.) They are fully feathered, but still babies. They won't lay eggs or breed for a while yet but they have had a healthy start and been raised to be non aggressive to people. Ready to be added to a backyard flock; eating regular food, don't need any external heat. I presume most of the white ones to be embdens, a couple might be chinese though.
Raise them up as guard birds (great defense for ducks and chickens against many predators), for pets or for Christmas dinner if you like.
Smart, friendly, used to being handled.
Not sold as sexed. I vent sexed them as babies with a high female to male ratio as luck of the draw but I didn't mark them and haven't checked lately. Will sell as few as 1 if you have ducks or other geese, 2 if you don't have any other waterfowl (they need company), or as many as 4.

I live about 45 minutes west of Phoenix, local pickup only.

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