Bad chicken food

I have been giving them treats about twice a day usually a couple handfulls of dried meal worms, they go crazy for meal worms! I just started experimenting with other healthy foods.
I just noticed Myrtels holding her butt sideways lol, she is such a funny character. She keeps doing that.
I also put clumps of grass and weeds in the run for them to pick at. I had trouble with June Bug eating long strands of grass when I would pick it by hand and her craw would get big. I read on here if they eat the long hay and grass it winds up tangled in there craw. By putting the clumps in its just like eating it from the ground they brake it off in little bits. They love it.

I don't no whether i am making my girls fussy eaters but i can not feed the girls (hen & duck) layer mash without mixing it with oatmeal made with water, it just looks so dry, i don't mind giving them the layer pellets dry although i do normally mix it with mixed seed in the evening. We are feeding the girls between 3-4 times a day including treats. The girls have only started laying in the last two/three weeks and the ducks are only 3 months old.

What i was wondering, we give baked oats to our horse mixed with water, he loves it and woofs it down, could we use the same baked oats for the girls, its a lot finer than the rolled oats (oatmeal) we buy for us which is what i am using at the moment.

I have read the girls love cottage cheese and water melon so as its Sunday for their afternoon treat i will be making them this with added peas.

The ducks are going to have a try on some fish, although we are not allowed to feed them live fish due to the 2006 animal welfare act

Which would be the best dead fish to try them on, only please remember I live in the UK so it has to be fish we can get here lol,

Its still early spring here in the UK so not so many bugs as of yet although we have had a lot of rain these last few days, which is handy as we have a hose pip ban due to shortage of rain, but the rain should help bring out the bugs for the girls!

Thanks for any advice Julie x

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