Is My Black Sex-Link Male or Female?

What is barred? I have a small flock of 9 I'm raising up to be our summer layers (my other three layers are almost a year old and we needed a few more) my hubby is convinced we have a rooster or two in there but none have white feathers on their head (one has the starting of what looks like white feathers though)
I have two tiny BSL chicks. I just read in another forum that they can be sexed early? Can anyone tell me if mine are truly pullets?
These are our favorite chicks. They have been so friendly and cuddly. The one with the solid black head thinks it is full grown and rushes at me!



Signing chickens yours are both girls if they have no spot on their heads. And it will be confirmed when their feathers come in. If they are barred (stripy) they are boys if not they are girls

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