Blue Copper Marans 10 weeks old. Cockerel or pullet?


10 Years
Jan 23, 2010
Berry Creek, Ca
I have 5 marans at about 10 weeks old. All hatchmates. 2 black copper pullets, 1 blue copper pullet, and 1 blue copper cockerel. The light blue one I'm not sure about though.. The one boy matured so early and already has the stringy saddle and hackles. The light one is shaped just like the girls and its only the face that has me questioning. I've had bright red faces at 5 weeks old turn out girls on my olive eggers so I'm wondering.. I picked him up yesterday and parted the feathers looking for any signs of male feathers coming in.. didnt find anything yet.

Here 'he' is.. The older he gets the more I think theres a chance he might be a girl..

With 12 week old anconas

Here's his brother. Clearly a boy!!

And the girls..

Hmmm, I'd say pullet comparing to "its" (lol) brother. Though I've never owned marans and haven't a clue on this particular breed. Hopefully someone here can be more definite.
rooster or hen. They said its 2.5 months

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