Silver Penciled Cochin Bantam and possible Frizzle?

Lisa Pedro

7 Years
Jun 12, 2012
Christmas, FL
My Coop
My Coop
Someone said I had some Silver Penciled Cochin Bantams. I am guessing it is this pair they were talking about. What do you think?

My hen.
She is almost 4 weeks old.
From the side.

My little rooster! Cuthbert!
He still looks like a baby compared to most of the others. But he is one of the biggest.
Ok, what is going on with these wing feathers, lol. He has not grown in many feathers yet and the one's he has are all over the place.
Seems like about half are sticking out. He did not mind posing for pictures at all.
Are they Silver Penciled Cochin Bantams? And is Cuthbert a Frizzle?
Thanks for all of your help.
I hatched out 3 frizzle crosses...2 were not frizzle and one was. The first place I noticed the frizzling was the wings
This is my frizzle bantam cochin roo, he's been a sweety till now....he's a little brat who thinks he's big and tough and floggs me. His frizzle baby was also a roo so I sold him. I have 4 naken neck eggs under a bantam cochin hen now and if they are fertile they are this big guys babies. I'm hoping one hatches frizzle cause Batman is close to being a goner if he gets me again

This is my frizzle bantam cochin roo, he's been a sweety till now....he's a little brat who thinks he's big and tough and floggs me. His frizzle baby was also a roo so I sold him. I have 4 naken neck eggs under a bantam cochin hen now and if they are fertile they are this big guys babies. I'm hoping one hatches frizzle cause Batman is close to being a goner if he gets me again

Very Pretty. Cuthbert was going for my face everyday when I would be looking at them in the cage or chicken tractor. So I wondered if he would do that to my feet, so I knew what to expect from him as he go older. So I took him in my office, closed the door, sat him on a phone book by himself and his attitude changed. He just sat there, quiet, did not do anything. I don't think he was scared. I sat him on my desk for awhile too. Well, it seemed to have worked, he does not jump at me anymore. I think it was a pecking order thing, and when it was just him and me, he figured out I was above him in the pecking order, lol.
he is so cute ~: ^ ) I would vote no on the frizzle. I own a couple (frizzles) along with a sizzle (silkie/frizzle mix) but I'm not a breeder nor a pro... just an opinion. He's a cutie what ever he turns out to be.

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