how much to feed my chickens???? help please


7 Years
Jul 10, 2012
The Foothills Of Chickendom
how much feed should i be feeding my 14 freerange isa brown laying chickens, at the moment im feeding them on feeding pellets and they get a bucket of chicken scraps about 4-5 times a week. any help much appreciated???????????
I keep feed available for my free rangers all day (I use the homemade 5 gallon bucket feeders). They mostly eat it in the mornings before heading out and in the evenings, when they come back in. They don't go through nearly as much feed in summer as they do in winter, when bugs and such are gone. You might want to double check (because I do free feed -I don't measure), but I believe it's 1/4 cup of feed per day per bird, plus or minus.
By weight chickens eat 1/4 to 1/3 pounds of food a day. Since they free range it is difficult to know how much they are eating for sure. As teach1rusl said if varies with the conditions on the range. The best way to assure they get all they need is to put out as much as they would eat in a day if they didn't range.
I put out fresh feed every day, and the amount varies. If when I go down at night, the pan is empty, I will put out a little more the next day, if it still has quite a bit in it, I put out less. I do not really want feed available 24/7, as I think that draws in rodents.

In the summer, less feed, and in the winter more feed, in warm temperatures in the winter less feed, but if it sets in a really cold spell, more feed. Food will keep chickens warm.


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