Remembering the Chickens You've Lost

RIP, my wide-eyed Politician! (More commonly known as Polly.) She was a never ending talker and would walk with me bock-bock-bocking whenever I was out. I am thinking she got carried away by a hawk. :(
Ive lost

Sushi Buff orpington (raccon)
Omlete RIR Racoon
Cavendish BR Fox

I loved them so much

It was really hard to say goodbye

Sushi was headless, Omlete in smithereens, and Cavendish taken
One of the "Silkie Sisters" died last month; I hadn't "officially" named her, but I think I would have called her Daffodil. I'm calling her surviving sister Daisy. Daffodil was one of the darn broodiest chickens I've ever seen and would repeatedly lay her eggs behind a gnome statue next to the front door, even though she had to walk through snow. Unfortunately one evening, an opossum decided to pay a visit and dragged her out of one of the nest boxes. When I saw the opossum with her, I was almost certain she was dead. After the opossum was killed, I saw she was breathing. She then scrambled up between some chicken wire and one of the coops. When she was freed, I examined the extent of the damage (I will not go into detail, but the wound on her side was large and deep). Daffodil was brought inside, her wounds were cleaned and she was laid in a crate. I thought maybe she had a chance at surviving. However by morning, she could barely move and her eyes were shut tight. About late morning, she died. For some reason the death of her hit me a little harder--I'm not entirely sure why. But, I'm glad she lived a good life, even if it wasn't as long as I would have wanted it to be.
She sure gave some of the funniest looks:

Daffodil (background) with her surviving sister, Daisy (foreground):
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