Light Brahma Roo 18-19 weeks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 13, 2012
I got The Call this morning every new chicken mom dreads... Dixie is a Dixon. My suspicions were confrimed when My husband found out this morning ( I leave for work at 5 am) when the dogs howls and barks woke him. After he settled the dog down he realized the cause of the howling was Dixie.. who proclaimed to the world this moring he is really to be called Dixon. WIll said he went out to check it out and Dixon was prancing around the outdoor enclosure crowing and very proud of himesled. If he had to crow I'm sad I missed the first time. I would have loved to see him figure it out and be so proud. I'm upset but I think I have known for a few weeks. He is a very handsome funny healthy bird who takes good care of the girls, and is sweet to me. I nursed this one along for 1-2 weeks at birth. My husband, who is in charge of "neighbor relations" has been telling me since before we got chickens then there will be NO roosters (even though the city allows if your neighbors don't complain). He is still giving me a hard NO. I need to rehome this big beautiful guy, he is between 18-19 weeks old a hatchey Light Brahma. I will only allow him to go to a safe home where he has safe shelter and won't be killed. We live in Kitsap County in Western WA, and I'm MORE then HAPPY to take him to someone who wants to adopt and care for him AND meets the above criteria. It is of upmost importance to me that he will be treated well and be able to live out life happliy looking after his "girls" and that he will be safe and be provided with a clean safe coop to protect from the elements, water and food Please share with friends! Thanks for all of your advice and help- Annie


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