Clay outdoor bread oven??

I LOVE earth ovens.... I have wanted to build one for so long, but our soil here is not clay at all, and my husband just hasn't found the inspiration to help me yet....(I am sure I will need help ;) Please keep us posted on your progress...It looks like a lot more work than I thought it would be...Are your going to post your progress somewhere besides here? I would really like to follow along,,,
I post on my blog about once a month about everything going on at our backyard farm. Let's see if I can post my link now ... I'm not very computer literate so hopefully this will get you there.

Here's a couple of pics from the last time we made pizza in the oven.

Pizza cooked on the new fire brick. It took about 6 minutes. The crust was so crisp and it tasted amazing. We ate outside on the patio and this was the sunset.

Not much chance of snow here, but yes, it does have a tin roof over it.
I have recently given it a coat of lime mortar, - a few signs of wear.
Glad you don't get snow.
Looks very nice for being ten years old!!!

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