Diary & Notes ~ Air Cell Detatched SHIPPED Chicken Eggs for incubation and hatching

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So I have my eggs back in a carton. How will you "turn" them. I have propped a side up slightly but that just does not seem like much.
I pulled 2 duds out last night after candling everyone. Found some crazy airsacs. I am on day 12 so everything airsac related is easy to see now. I have learned a lot through this process. I just hope somebody makes it out of an egg.

Pic 1 is before I turned today and 2nd is after... very gently I leaned them the other way psss they are silkies and very tiny. I read more this morning and decided to start turning like this 3x day, I just turned at lunch so they settled for 24 hrs, set in bator w/o turning for 52 hours... I havent decided when I will candle yet, def not until day 7 though! lol so how many good ones are left? how many had broken sacks that are left?

I just looked at these pics again! lol I DID move the EGGS and NOT the carton! lol I moved the thermometers and hygro around too! just happens it looks lhe like the pic is flopped. click to enlarge... this is where I am at..

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Had a foul smell when i opened the bator this afternoon. Found another egg starting to weep. Started with 15 and I am now down to 11.
Oh and I wanted to add that my temp and humidity come right back up with this incubator. I have been pretty impressed with it so far.
It looked like a day 7 or 8. I couldn't see the veins in it any longer. There was a teeny tiny chick when I cracked it open. It had been dead for a while.
Clear eggs are unfertilized eggs right or no?
Hi WaterFowl !! In my first post on the thread I have these links for pics for reference for candling.... I am pretty sure a clear egg is not fertile BUT DONT TOSS... see below... Here is a paste from the first page to save you the trip... lol the big red link is probably the one to look at.... let me know how it goes!

The eggs remain in the incubator and the candler is positioned over the air cell (blunt end) to illuminate the contents of the egg. There should be a red 'dot' about the size of a match head with faint blood vessels surrounding it. Those eggs without any indications of fertility should be re-candled at 10 days and 14 days & thrown if they're infertile.

AGAIN, I will refer to https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/491013/goose-incubation-hatching-guide-completed & http://chat.allotment.org.uk/index.php?topic=73884.0 as a pictorial guide for candling. also this side for pics of BAD eggs, http://shilala.homestead.com/candling.html (bacterial ring bad egg) & Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/261876/chicks-are-here-egg-candling-pics-progression-though-incubation also https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/how-to-make-a-homemade-egg-candler-using-common-household-materials for more pic examples.

CANDLE 14th day: Determine growth, weigh, pencil mark air cell size. Dispose bad eggs.

CANDLE 18th day: Determine growth, weigh, pencil mark air cell size. Dispose bad eggs or "quitters".
PREPARE BROODER: Prepare everything you need for them once they have hatched. Now is the time to do final checks on brooder, heat lamp and feed.

Incubation Cheat Sheet https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/incubation-cheat-sheet
It looked like a day 7 or 8. I couldn't see the veins in it any longer. There was a teeny tiny chick when I cracked it open. It had been dead for a while.
What kinds of bators have you had already? I was looking at those brisena or whatever they are called...but they are so tiny!!!
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