I clipped my 2 hens wings, there still flying out?

I trimmed one wing of Hilda, my White Leghorn, but she can still get over the four foot fence between the chicken area and dog area. I am adding 3 feet of chicken wire on top of the fence. Hopefully it will be enough. I think she is landing on top of the fence and jumping over. The wire will eliminate a perching spot.
I trimmed one wing of Hilda,

My run is about 4 ft high. If you clip the feathers on one wing of each bird it will help.

Make sure there is no blood in the shaft of the feather before you clip or your bird may bleed to death.

On some birds you may even have to clip a few secondary flight feathers.

One wing throws the bird off balance and is more effective than trimming equal amounts off both wings.

Feather shafts containing blood.


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