How high does a chicken fence need to be?

chook rescuer

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 18, 2013
Manawatu, New Zealand
I have a small field in which my chickens will be able to free range in and I want to fence it off so that the dogs can't get in, I have a dachshund an a golden retriever. I also want it so that the chickens can't get out.
My question is How high should the fence be?

Thanks for your time! :D
6 ft would be a good start. But even at that height...your going to have your escape artists.
it depends on the breed. Mediterranean, and bantam breeds can fly over eight foot fences. heavy breeds like the buff orpington, a four foot fence will probably keep them in. breeds such as rhode islands, and barred rocks, I would say no lower then five feet, and even then they might surprise you. also, make sure there are no low branches around the fence, or the will use that to fly out.
it depends on the breed. Mediterranean, and bantam breeds can fly over eight foot fences. heavy breeds like the buff orpington, a four foot fence will probably keep them in. breeds such as rhode islands, and barred rocks, I would say no lower then five feet, and even then they might surprise you. also, make sure there are no low branches around the fence, or the will use that to fly out.

I have battery hens, I'm new to chickens so I don't really know what breed they are, they have browny redy feathers and white feet.
We have had a dog jump into our yard over our six foot back timber fence and the rails were on the inside so it couldn't use them to help get over.
I was finding my chickens in the neighbors yard so I added some extra hight to my fence. My fence was originally 4 feet, now it's 5 I think. However, my chickens weren't flying over it, they were jumping onto the fence and then jumping over. So I added some wire fencing that was to flimsy for them to balance on, so they just fall back into my yard when they try to go next door.

Hope that helps!

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