Have I lost my mind?

When do you get time for you? I used to be a foster parent and I loved all the kids and how busy we were all the time ... right up until the day I realized I was nothing more than a doormat for everyone els and couldn't even get time to take a shower without three people knocking to ask some mundane question. Adding chickens to the mix would have been suicidal. They don't take care of themselves and you already have enough let alone a second baby coming. I would wait another year ...
Unless you are rich, yes you are.  Certifiably so, and so is anyone who tells you you're not.   

ps. If you only wanted a pat on the back you should never have posted the question. 

Sorry but I call them as I see them at my age,


Somebody's got a case of the Mondays. Not rich by a long shot, but doing well enough to buy diapers for a while. Not looking for a pat on the back either, just seeing how many others enjoy a hectic life.

When do you get time for you? I used to be a foster parent and I loved all the kids and how busy we were all the time ... right up until the day I realized I was nothing more than a doormat for everyone els and couldn't even get time to take a shower without three people knocking to ask some mundane question. Adding chickens to the mix would have been suicidal. They don't take care of themselves and you already have enough let alone a second baby coming. I would wait another year ...

Everyone works together here. We have had a few freeloaders over the years but I'm big on the whole give and take thing. I'm the only stay at home mom in the family that has a knack for cooking for an army. My house is also where everyone's kids come to learn how to really work for their allowance and their food, (they all work in the garden and grow some stuff of their own out there). I'm overrun with company during the week, but that also means there's always people to help with dinner and homework time, (new math kills me), whatever other chores need done, and never do I have to call searching for a sitter for anything. During the warm months there's always someone to take care of the animals while we take our camping trips, and my sister gives us constant access to her pool. And I gotta say, I usually end up lonely on the weekends. The older kids are off with their friends and everyone always wants the little ones. It is nice to be able to sleep in and spend some quiet time with the hubby but I'm bored long before noon!
Hope everyone is doing well :)
Getting chickens is wonderful and has definitetly taught my children responsibility and that you dont need a cat/dog as a pet/friend. It's so beautiful to watch them with the chickens, especially when friends come over and they explain caring for chickens to them :)
I'm doing ok.

I got broody hens coming out my ears. Too bad so many are so far away. I'm giving away chicks. Birchen Marans mostly, though there are some EE's.

The weather is nice but I'm still spending to much time on the computer.

Working on the garden and wish I had a decent place to start plants. The garden markets have the same o' same o' plants and I like something different.

Heritage tomatoes are better and tastier than the hybrids. Sure they produce more but taste like cardboard. The same goes with many other veggies.

If I were a vegetarian, I'd surely be growing the older tastier type vegetables.

Well that's me,

Take care,

How did I miss silkiemomma9's reply!?!

You are right about the kids with the chickens. I never have a shortage of little hands to help with the chicks. Especially with all of the kids from the apartment complex across the street. Their excitement rubs off on me and keeps me young. :)

Rancher, if I was closer I would take a few off your hands for sure! We seem to be addicted now. My poor husband is having trouble keeping up with my ever changing chicken plans, lol. Have you thought about an indoor greenhouse? I bought one for $20 on clearance in the off season a couple years ago. It's not very big but still has room for me to start all of the peppers and tomatoes that I think I have to have.

Update on the crazy house...
Kittens are about ready to move out. All but one anyhow. It's blind and we decided to keep her.

The baby's mom gets home visits now and uses them to come over here and bond with her baby. She gets out in about a month and has housing and a job set up. I'm glad things are going so well for her. We will miss the baby but her mommy has promised to share. :)

My first order of chicks, 26 of them, are all doing well and growing fast. I was told repeatedly to order a few extra as I was bound to lose a few. Now I have a few extra and we are all happy with that. We were building bigger anyhow.

All of helpers have been true to their word. My family and friends are closer than ever, and I've even managed to get some folks to drop their grudges with others in order to be able to spend time at my little farm in the city. The work on the inside of the house has come to a halt, but I don't mind because we all have spring fever!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful spring!

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