What's Wrong With Her Wings?


10 Years
Sep 6, 2010
We picked up our chicks two days ago from local feed stores, they are all doing well, but I'm hoping someone can tell me what's going on with the black australorp's wings. The first day she was somewhat lethargic, and slept with her wings flopped out. I made sure she woke up to eat and drink and after a nice long rest the first night she is now acting normally. Her right wing seems to stick out more than the left. Wondering if anyone has experienced this and if it will be a big issue as an adult. They are on medicated feed. Eyes, nose are clear and otherwise looks healthy.

I can't really help you with this but I wanted to say that I have a chick now that I have been watching for the past 2 weeks because of the same thing. She (was supposed to be sexed for me when I ordered them), has held her wings "out" from her body since I got her at 2 days old. She seems a little slower than the other chicks, but still eats, drinks, etc just fine. The only things I have noticed about her- I haven't seen her flap her wings like the others, I also haven't seen her stretch her leg out with her wing down like the others do and she spent several days in the beginning sleeping standing up. She now is smaller than the other chicks, and is starting to develop her real feathers like the other, just slower. I worried that she wasn't going to survive in the beginning but I think her instinct to survive is stronger than the others- she is very tenacious about finding extra treats and is very friendly.

I hope someone can help explain this for both of our benefits ;)
What breed is your chick? I have noticed her flapping her wings, and actually the first day she was doing a lot of stretching. So maybe different things going on? My girl doesn't seem to be weak otherwise thankfully.
i think it is just the way the feathers are growing out of the down feathers, i cant be sure, dont panic just yet, when my chicks lost their down feathers i thought they were sick, being half bald all over, found out, it's chicken thing, no big deal, just keep an eye on him/her, only time will tell, feathers grow funny sometimes..the picture looks like the tip of the wing feathers sticking out and that is normal..
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When some of mine first started getting in their wing feathers they stuck out a little...but now they are close to the body as more of the down has been replaced by feathers. I think it is just part of the growth. I don't think one can spend too much time worrying over their chicks though.
I have one with the same wings. Just the tips poke out. Mine is just fine. She slept almost the whole day when we brought her home and now she zips around and is one of the few that can jump up on the heater. And she is about a week old. I would just give her time, especially if she is eating and drinking.
I had one that did that when she was feathering out too. I was so worried about her but a few days later her wings looked fine. She turned 2 years old a few weeks ago and she is fat and happy!

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