Poor chick with deformed foot please help!


11 Years
Aug 4, 2008
Hi, We're new to this forum and we have a problem with one of our 12 week old chicks, he is one of three and when he was about 8 - 9 weeks we noticed a limp and isolated him so he didn't hurt it any more trying to keep up with the rest of the family, but recently it has got worse, we let him out the rest now as he cries alot to be out with them. He spends most of his time lying down and when he does attempt to walk his left foot is curled in and he walks on his elbows. His right isn't as bad as his left but he doesn't seem to be able to get out on it on that alone. If he tries to move rapidly he ends up falling on his face. We initally thought it may have hurt jumping down from a roost, about 18inches high, which we closed off once we saw he was injured, but none the others have developed any injuries and are perfectly fine, also the floor is made of wood so it is not slippy. We have been thinking of putting him out of his misery, but thought we would check if there was anyone that knew what may be wrong with him and is it reparable? If someone could let us know asap so that he doesn't go on in this state for much longer. He doesn't seem to be in pain, but the sitting around alot makes us think there must be some uncomfortableness with it.


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I am not sure but it sounds and looks like curled toes. I personally have not heard of it myself in an older chick bu I guess anything's possible. If you go under search and type in curled toes it will take you to links as well as give instructions for making a foot splint. Maybe someone who has dealt with that in particular in an older chick will come along with more advice.

edited because I just saw the pic post come through!
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thanks for your reply. we found a link on how to make afoot splint, so we'll get on the case in the morning!
Just a thought, have you check the rest of the bird's leg for injury or fracture? I have one that has been in sick bay for about a month now. She was holding her foot out in front of her and couldn't use it. I think she actually had an injury to the hock. She had no swelling or anything that appeared to be a broken bone. I used one baby aspirin in her water daily and vet wrapped her leg. She is gaining every day, but it has been slow to heal.

Or it might be some type of vitamin deficiency and a little extra support with vitamins probably wouldn't hurt to try while he is healing.
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I'd second using some vitamins, like poly-vi-sol. It's odd that it developed this late, but anything can happen with chickens especially heavy breeds. Best "shoe" to make I've found is some good old sturdy cardboard and duck tape. Cut the cardboard to look like a ducks foot, the size of the chickens good foot. Splay out the toes in the correct position on top of the cardboard. Stick duck tape over the foot making sure to press it down on each side of the toes to keep them from moving.Wrap it around underside of board. You can take a little elmers glue and lightly spread some on the bottom of the shoe and pour some sand on it, so when it dries it will give the shoe some traction. Good luck- pretty bird.
Thanks for all your advise and from yours and the advise from other treads on this subject, this is what we came up with. So far he seems very happy with his new boots! he's getting riboflavin sprinkled on his food aswell so fingers crossed!


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