Electric fence


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 4, 2012
We have been having a lot of trouble this spring with coons, and dogs. They were geting into our fully fenced run and coop at night. Two weeks ago I put an electric fence around at 6 " height. No problems now. Hope it continues to work.
Is that a 6" (inch) fence or 6' (foot) fence? If six foot, I think you are well on your way to Fort Knox! If six inch, I'd go 3-4 feet higher! Electric fences bring peace of mind!
We bought electronet fencing from Premier (http://www.premier1supplies.com/c/fencing/) last year after we had foxes devastate our flock. In order to get a decent area for your chickens, you should plan to buy 3-5 fences and hook them together. There is definitely a large setup cost but it can be worth it. You will also need a good fencer and maintain the area around the fence to keep the weeds down.
I am using a single strand of wire at 6" (six inches) above ground and away from coop and having very good repelling action against dogs (big ones), raccoons, and red foxes. They do not like getting zapped in their little footsies when trying to get past wire of coops.
I may have to look into that. I've seen foxes run through my yard and I KNOW there are racoons out there...
I use solar charger as well. The fencing does not exclude the wild predators from entering yard but it does keep them from messing around pens. My dogs then keep them out of yard.

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