Feeding Grower to Chicks?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
My neighbour is feeding her newly hatched chicks grower feed instead of chick starter. I was trying to tell her she needed to feed chick starter only but she was adamant that she can feed them grower no problem.

i guess I am just wondering who is right?
I use Grower as well. It is 22% protein.

These "labels" can be confusing to people Countless folks still think Layer is necessary or that Layer is somehow required or expected to produce eggs too. It's kind of like having a zillion models of cars or 12 different kinds of shampoo under the same brand. LOL
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Some folks prefer grower for chicks specifically because it isn't medicated. I know I've been won over by that argument.

I got "won over" by a sad event. Coccidiosis outbreak. Damp weather caused an outbreak of a virulent strain (there are 8 or 9 strains, I understand) and it went right through the medicated feed. Never again.

Powdered Corid is now on hand I will treat the drinking water of all chicks taken to the ground. Medicated Starter is fine, but I simply no longer trust it and never should have. My bad. Never too old to learn.
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oh ok! i had no idea. I thought the protein differences were significant. I think I owe my neighbour a apology...!

So you can feed grower to hens too? you just need to give them calcium on the side?
Yes, many folks do feed them grower plus calcium and often scratch grains.

I generally give them layer, though. Right now they are on grower+ for a couple of weeks because my pullets are integrated. I've had experience with one of my confined hens getting fat off grower (but not the others--maybe something else was wrong) so I've been hesitant. I know they love the grower much more. Maybe it's the brand, maybe because I use corn-and-soy free and the grower has corn? It's like chicken crack, I find, and they are beside themselves to have it free choice.
oh ok! i had no idea. I thought the protein differences were significant. I think I owe my neighbour a apology...!

So you can feed grower to hens too? you just need to give them calcium on the side?

The terms are confusing, as I said earlier. So much depends on the maker of the feed and what kind of Grower. Grower can be as low as 15% protein all the way up to 30% Gamebird Grower at our mill. To discover whether the contents meet the need intended, one has to read the feed tag with understanding.

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