Pulled scab out of swollen ear lobe...what now??


6 Years
Feb 26, 2013
Sioux Falls, SD
I've got a year old frizzle hen and my daughter noticed a black thing on her ear. She said it looked like poop. So I checked it out and noticed her entire ear lobe was swollen like a ball and very hard and the black thing looked like a giant black head. Me being the disgusting picker I am picked it out. It was yellow on the bottom and black and crusty on top...looked like a piece of corn actually. Now she's still got this gaping hole that isn't gushing blood...but is bleeding. The lobe is still hard and swollen and I can't get anything else out. I sprayed some antibiotics spray on it...what else should I do and what do you think it is? She is eating and drinking
perfectly and laying just fine.
I've never dealt with this, but other posts I've read have cleaned the ear out and then packed with neosporin. Continued with cleaning and packing periodically until swelling went down and ear appeared healed.
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From the posts I've read here on BYC, ear infections can be due to mites or from a respiratory disease. I would use some hydrogen peroxide on the ear, and use plain Neosporin on it. She could use an antibiotic such as Clavamox or amoxicillin if you can get a prescription, or Bactrim which is available in farm stores as SMZ-TMP. It's a sulfa drug.

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