Other animals in coop


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 1, 2013
Raleigh, North Carolina
I wanted to rescue a rabbit and put it in my coop and run with my hens but in nervous they will me malicious. Does anyone have experience with that at all? Should I do that? I know that hen cam has a bunny in there and she's fine. Any suggestions?
I wouldn't worry about them being malicious. A far greater concern is that chicken poop + rabbit fur = a very dirty bunny, as well as the fact that chickens and rabbits have different dietary needs.
If they are seperated that would be fine,like if you had a hutch for rabbit gave it a few hours out while chickens are in and vice versa.
I keep doves with my chickens (they have there own space) but if they get the chance they will peck at the doves quite hard too!
i would just make sure that the rabbit has plenty of hides in the run to get away from the chooks if it needs to. my chooks used to like emptying the rabbit hutches of their bedding too!
I was considering keeping a rabbit with my hens for awhile and did a lot of reading--I am still somewhat considering it but after research it is more complex than I initially thought. There are a few people around the web who do this and have posted a lot of info. Most seem to have separate coops and hutches that share a run. If you do a google search you can find a lot of info.

Some of the bigger points to note are that rabbits dig very very well so unless your run is reinforced for a rabbit with wire on the floor or if off the ground then your rabbit may be able to escape pretty easily.

I did read that larger adult rabbits do alright with hens but bunnies and small rabbits can get picked on. Introduce carefully and keep an eye out.

The other major issue is diet. If you are going to feed fodder to both this could be a good solution and then supplement for individual needs but keep in mind it will be hard to keep them from eating each others food and this might be problematic if you are feeding a animal based protein chicken feed. I would make sure to research the dietary needs for both animals so you can find a good compromise.

Here is someone that I know has been successful with 7 hens and 1 rabbit: http://hencam.com/

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