Very rare breeds

I do not have a special rare breeds long

But there are strains in My cities of very rare

But refuses sale and kept for himself only

These are some pictures

Good morning. I'm no expert by any means, they appear to be a Malay, Malay/ Brahma mix. The first photos have the proper head, comb, legs of Malays. The other appear to be mix with Brahma, could be Langshan, because of change in combs, wattles, and leg feathering. Langshan are also very tall. I would guess several generations of mixing these breeds to get such results. There are many rare breed hatcheries listed on this site. Good luck on your quest.
OP may not be in America--those Brahmas may be correct Brahmas for wherever they are. I believe vulture hocks are acceptable and normal in Europe (and perhaps elsewhere).

MR1ALI, you could go to the the "where am I? where are you!" forum, and looking for a thread created about your area, or create your own thread.

If you know the breeds you want (Malay? Brahma?), you could check the specific breed threads, or post a wanted ad in the classified section. I believe you will have best luck if you include your location and if you are willing to pay for shipping.
Thank very effective Posts
Pictures which are imported from Germany
Is there any educators or famous sites strains Please kindly to send messages to my

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