Eric The Emu Is Alive [Re-Launch]


10 Years
Nov 9, 2013
The bird in question moseyed through the car port to follow me to the wheat. I am sure enough that it is Eric.

So, for those of this wonderful community who don't understand what's going on here, I'll explain as we go.

To begin, though:

We are a few days short of six years' of observations of this double-alpha male here in the South West of Western Australia.

We tamed three of this chicks. We have observed Two more. We observed the hatch of one of his adult children's chicks.

Guys, here are Eric and Alpha Chick and Omega Chick having a paddle, and below that in the backyard of my house. It emus interest you, it doesn't get any better than having wild chicks to observe at this distance!!

You will find all the other observations and pictures here on Planet Rothschildi

Please post any questions you have.

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The bird in question moseyed through the car port to follow me to the wheat. I am sure enough that it is Eric.

So, for those of this wonderful community who don't understand what's going on here, I'll explain as we go.

To begin, though:

We are a few days short of six years' of observations of this double-alpha male here in the South West of Western Australia.

We tamed three of this chicks. We have observed Two more. We observed the hatch of one of his adult children's chicks.

Guys, here are Eric and Alpha Chick and Omega Chick having a paddle, and below that in the backyard of my house. It emus interest you, it doesn't get any better than having wild chicks to observe at this distance!!

You will find all the other observations and pictures here on Planet Rothschildi

Please post any questions you have.

And you don't have to feed them! My four are ravenous right now and they dive into the feed bucket when we enter the pen. But the boys will still wait for a hug. I love them all so much.
Actually, Sheriff, in the first months here, when I hitched to town to get just a knapsack of supplies at a time, I fed the emus 3-kg packets of muesli, which works out at about two bucks a kilo. About three months later, I learned about 'seconds,' which are bags of 'small'-grained wheat -- twenty bucks for thirty kilograms at the Feed Store. I got someone to drop several bags off.

Years later, when I told my farmer-neighbours this -- and that I still buy sultanas for the birds -- they looked at me as though I was nuts.

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I stand corrected! I notice mine grazing more these days too. Hubby was going to mow their pastures but decided to leave the pasture grass long for awhile. If he tries to do it now he will wreck the riding mower. So it will stay long until it dries out.

I had to google "sultana." I had no idea what it was. Hey, I learned something today!
Autumn rains have begun, though it will be ten days or so more before fresh pick really starts springing up.

It's a magnificent morning here: cool and clear. Eric and Mrs Noo-Eric are so hungry they run to their wheat.

Haven't heard the female boom yet, day or night -- but yesterday she followed Eric, with obvious trepidation, into the back yard via the 'top gate,' the one right by the living room window. That puts a tame-wild breeding pair less than 25 feet from this computer.

Will try to upload some footage.

Morning, long-timers and all,

green is whispering all around the house-clearing.

Who thinks that Mrs Noo-Eric doesn't vocalise because they are going to move on? That is, they will breed elsewhere?

I note that Eric is -- again -- clearly the dominant partner of the pair.

Where are Sassybird and Felicity? Will they return with consorts?

Mrs. Noo-Eric turned up this morning wearing a delightful pair of grey socks.

Can you guess?

Celebrating 72 months of observing emus here at Unicup, W.A.

This bird is Sassybird (Number One) in the garden in the backyard. She is the daughter of Eric the (Original) Emu.

So cool! I love hearing about your wild-tame emus.
Sassybird is back, Haida. But Eric and Mrs Noo-Eric are away.

Things are a little weird. Sassybird seems different. Bit it's her -- she has a recognisably beaky nose!

But she seems less sassy, and darker in colour.

The other day, I got a lift home with some New Zealand tourists who love birds. We stopped at the Stinky Creek track, and walked quietly down to the pasture. To their delight, there were at least forty kangaroos on the pasture. We were hoping to see wild horses. Then Dad Emu came zipping across the pasture, head down, neck out, with four lil zippers behind him, heads down, necks out.

They were just a blur to me in the mist, but it's still data: Dad is clearly heading into a second year of parenting with this clutch, or he would have dumped them to seek a female.


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