Where to Report Scammers on BYC?


15 Years
Dec 14, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
I was emailed by someone who appears to be the classic scammer.

I have just blocked this member. However, I worry others on here might not be aware of this scam? Where do we post suspicious members to?

Of course no way would I fall for this old scam, but for anyone reading, this is what he emailed. The scam typically involves fake checks or other wire-transfer shenanigans:

Would like to know who to alert when this happens, so we can shut down scam artists ASAP on this board!


xxxxxxxx sent you this private message on BackYard Chickens, May 27, 12:58 pm
Thank You for your Quick Respond,Anyway i the this week,meanwhile you don't have to worry about the shipping,as i have my mover who will come for the pickup at your location, but I'm on a job transfer for now and the only method of payment for now is by making a Cashier's Check available to you. However i will patiently wait for the check to clear at your Bank before i Order my mover to come for Pick-Up at your location. please,reply me with the address you want the
Cashier's Check to be send to in this format.

Last Asking Price
Thank You,
Thanks for posting!

We had a member who was Private Messaging hundreds of members that have items listed in the BST section. After receiving numerous reports we reviewed the account and banned the person who we suspect was trying to scam our members.

A few things we want to point out about this situation:

  1. If you see anything that looks suspicious please IMMEDIATELY click the report flag on the post or PM to alert our moderators.
  2. NEVER post your address, phone number, etc. publicly
  3. Be VERY VERY cautious with whom you provide information to privately. If you do not know the person we suggest you do not provide your personal information to them.

In general we suggest our members always be on-guard when they are submitting information to anyone online (on BYC, other websites, chat, email, etc.).
I've seen this style of scam before...not here at BYC, but other places on the internet. It was discovered that it was coming out of Nigeria.
I have an almost identical email from 'Abraham'. When I questioned that the email was from 'Trevor' he said his name was Abraham Trevor whatever and the rest was about the same. He didn't want pictures, ask for ages, and said he would 'send a mover'. I deleted it.

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