Pullet or Cockerel SLW?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 27, 2014
My chicks are 5 weeks old as of yesterday and these photos were taken today and yesterday. The one in question is smaller than the rest of my chicks (I only have 2 SLW) and its tail feathers are so much shorter than everyone else. So what do you all think?

The one in question is on the right. The one on the left is about 30% bigger and has a tail as big as the rest of the girls - 6 EE and 2 Welsummers.

Here she is a bit closer.

And even closer

Better look at her comb, which I believe is the same size as the other one.

This is her standing high trying to catch a bug on the plant.

And this is the other SLW who is same size and feather development as the rest of the chicks, and I believe she is a pullet.

Here is one I forgot to add!

Thank you for your expert wisdom in helping me figure out if I have a roo or a slow growing runt
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Thank you for your thoughts! The one where "she's" standing high like that is only because she's trying to get the bug in the plant. All of them do that when a bug is much higher than they are. They are good little hunters already!
That's a relief because I simply can't have a roo! Do any of you know why her tail feathers are growing in WAY slower than the rest of the girls, and why she's so much smaller? Thank you!!

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