Results of my first 3 hatchings.... mystery auction eggs... oooooh lord help me!

I am going this weekend to check it out. I need to get this incubator thing down so i am not going to get babies that i REALLY want until i can improve my incubating skills.

:fl  for improving my skills without a broody at the moment

That is EXACTLY what I'm doing too. No way am I paying top dollar for the eggs on really want when my incubators are still glitching out on me when the weather fluctuates at all. 40% hatch rate isn't good so I'm going to keep practicing till I know I've got it down before I get the $40 a dozen eggs!

Nothing wrong with cheaper eggs to learn with. The pulleys sell just fine and the roos well people say they taste great. I can't bring myself to do it I sell them. Lol:p
You should be able to get some cheap eggs for sure. I bought mine on craigslist since it is an "experiment" and my first time with broody hens. I hope your incubator works for you!
lol I hope the incubator works for me. i am having so much difficult and it is a new bator
so I have decided that mystery eggs to practice on is better tthan the eggs that i REALLY want lol
Well both my incubators just crudded out on me. Just set eggs this afternoon (hopefully they will be ok) but the eggs in the other one are in the final few days... lockdown. Darn it!!! :barnie
That is EXACTLY what I'm doing too. No way am I paying top dollar for the eggs on really want when my incubators are still glitching out on me when the weather fluctuates at all. 40% hatch rate isn't good so I'm going to keep practicing till I know I've got it down before I get the $40 a dozen eggs!

Nothing wrong with cheaper eggs to learn with. The pulleys sell just fine and the roos well people say they taste great. I can't bring myself to do it I sell them. Lol:p
I full heartly agree with that. i got some special eggs that my hubby likes and they did not work lol. so i did go yesterday ooooooo lordy my son and i had fun. I definetly want to go back but right now i am experimenting with some mystery duck eggs. they take longer and my 3 yr REALLY wanted them so i said what the heck.

I came out with :

8 button quail (down to 5,because David wanted to see his babies and flung the box lid open when we got home)
2 Banty's 1 frizzle and 1 cochin ( i think the frizzle is a cockrel)
7 silkies (straight run i believe)( 2 black,1 odd ball, 2 partridge, 1 white partridge, and 1 nn partridge)
2 dozen mystery duck eggs (23 made it to the bator this morning. 1 was cracked- but fertile) (i also have one with the air sac on the side

My husband thinks we will have to rehome some though. He know i am looking for a variety of egg color and all i got is white egg layers.

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