sick toulouse goose


5 Years
Jun 26, 2014
Our 1 year old toulouse goose seemed fine all winter in our cold northern clime. As spring sprang he has become very quiet, doesn't answer to his name or spread his wings when we feed. He is mobile but with less active demeanor. We feed corn and protein in winter but now will cut the corn after reading these entries. He is with two pekins who seem normal but is not leading them around like he used to. He is on a large pond with fresh grass around. It might be too long since the lawnmower broke. Should we be giving him grit or anything else to eat? Any ideas as to why his behavior for the last month or two is so different? thanks for any advice you can give
Our 1 year old toulouse goose seemed fine all winter in our cold northern clime. As spring sprang he has become very quiet, doesn't answer to his name or spread his wings when we feed. He is mobile but with less active demeanor. We feed corn and protein in winter but now will cut the corn after reading these entries. He is with two pekins who seem normal but is not leading them around like he used to. He is on a large pond with fresh grass around. It might be too long since the lawnmower broke. Should we be giving him grit or anything else to eat? Any ideas as to why his behavior for the last month or two is so different? thanks for any advice you can give
You seem to be doing all the right things, except he doesn´t have a goose......

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