Hen not laying but acting fine?


5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
Moundsville, West Virginia
Hi and thanks for reading. I have a problem and I hope someone has an answer.
We have a red sex link hen that's still pretty young. We got her at laying age in April and she's been laying well every since.
Three days ago, she was disturbed in the coop (possibly related, possibly not, but it's the details) and didn't lay that day. We were concerned and started watching her after reading about being egg bound.
That night, she was laying and acting lethargic so we were checking her vent for any signs of trauma. I put her onto our deck and she almost immediately laid a hard crumpled mass that looked like a crushed or underdeveloped egg. She also had a healthy poo and has since.
After laying the mass she went to drink water and perked up. She went and ate food too and was looking better but was still occasionally laying down. That night two hours before bed time she went into the coop.
Day two, still laying down on occasion but mostly perky. Vent looked healthy. We gave her a warm bath.
Day three, perky and eating well. She isn't acting strange and is following the other two chickens and isn't laying down much. She looks and acts mostly fine but no eggs still and I haven't seen any evidence of more masses or anything. I checked her vent and it looks maybe a tiny bit inflamed (she was pushing a bit yesterday it seemed) but it's still pink looking, not red.

Anyway, we aren't sure what else to do or if she will be ok. Hopefully someone has some advice. Thanks!
It takes about 25 hours from ovulation for an egg to be laid. When birds are stressed, they won't ovulate. Stress can be predator attacks, extreme heat or cold, changes in routine, changes in feed, lack of water, disease, parasites, etc..

Remove all stressors and she'll start laying in due time.
I would put on a glove, lube and check her for an egg:

These might help you to check for an egg or masses.


If you find and egg, you can give her some calcium, then put her in a dark bathroom full of steam and see if she can pass it.


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