My first chickens


5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
We bought 12 chicks from Tractor Supply April 15, so they are about 13 weeks old. We lost 2 in the first 48 hours so we now have 3 whites, 3 Reds and 4 Americaunas. All were supposed to be hens, but not necessarily a certain breed. One of the reds is getting a bigger wattle and comb, seems to be boss, and has some green tinted feathers showing up on her tail and head. Is she a he? Would she be a Rhode Island Red?
Thanks everyone. Despite the noise possibilitie and the future probably including chicks, what other negatives are there to roo's? She/he is one of the friendliest chickens we have, so getting rid of "him" isn't an option. How does this affect eggs?
It doesn't effect them at all. Some people think because they can get fertilized that's it's gross but really there is not a big difference. I tend to think that when they are fertilized the eggs seem to be thicker, less watery. And if you want to hatch chicks than you need a Roo to fertilize the eggs anyway. I see only 1 con of having a rooster and that is if it is mean, other than that IMO they are a great addition and they also protect the ladies.
She/he is nosey...

Standing on the windowsill looking in. Silly chickie. It already cracks me up and acts different from the others.

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