Teeny Tiny Wyandotte Peep


5 Years
Jun 29, 2014
I have this tiny little sliver laced wyandotte chick who is 2 wks old today. Shes living with 6 freedom rangers, 2 days younger but 3x her size, and a black australorp who is about her age and larger, almost double her size.

Is it normal for her to be so little? The rest of the chicks have tons of feathers and are much bigger than she is, she is the least active of them all, very mellow, but does the normal peep things and she seems happy enough. I know wyandottes grow slowly but is this in the normal range? She weighs almost nothing.

The hand pictured is a normal sized woman's hand.

I have no clue, I was just looking at my chicks and trying to come up with names, I noticed my runt of the flock is a BO, I was wondering the same thing. I have 2 bo's I think I will name the small one Bitzie and her sister Mitzy.
Maybe they're just runts :)

Cute names! This little peep is Paisley, her friends are Pebbles, Piper, and Pancake. We have a P theme going... P for peeps

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