Reintegrating chick


Oct 4, 2023
Good morning!

My husband and I recently got 19 chicks. One came down with an infection and her eye swelled up. She’s been separated from the 18 since she was 13 days old. They’re now 3 weeks and 2 days old. She’s SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than everyone now I’m assuming due to being stunted by illness. Everyone has had new XL leg bands put on, her medium size is still quite loose on her little leg. She’s palm sized where everyone else you need two hands now. We also speculate that she might have lost the eye or will be blind (we followed vets orders for her by the way - vet think’s mycoplasma and we haven’t seen anyone else share symptoms since thankfully.)

We’re really worried about poor integration and them picking on this little sweet girl. She’s so docile and very sweet and just so tiny. Add on possibly being blind - I’m certain you can understand our concern.

My husband had a great idea to possibly order some one day hatched chicks that would be delivered next week ideally when she should be better (if not we have another brooder we can put them in) to add with her so she’s not alone until they’re all outside together. Is this a solid plan? Or are we overthinking it? Did we just acquire a blind house chicken? Who knows lol it’s our first run with babies and we’re learning. What’s everyone’s experience and thoughts? I’ve been telling myself that this is a normal occurrence with chick raising and that it likely happens a lot because well … chicks get sick. But the more my husband mentions how little she is the more I agree and think he’s right, I’d hate for this little sweet girl get bullied.

Thanks in advance from a first time chick-momma.

ETA - the vet also was worried about coccidiosis because she and the others had runny poops so we gave them a 5 day dose of Corid they just wrapped up. She’s now got nutridrench in her water (didn’t want to bombard her little belly with all sorts of things in her water) I’m hoping it can give her extra boost to catch up with everyone. She’s been eating and drinking thru out the entire experience so we have decided because she’s got drive to live and is appearing to heal we’re giving her a chance. If she declines we will do what’s right for her though.
Welcome to BYC! Congratulations on entering the wonderful and sometimes nerve-wracking world of chickens.
I don't think I would order more chicks until you confirm whether you have mycoplasma in the flock or not. The other chicks would already be exposed if she does have it.
If you have any way of doing it, you can start a look but don't touch reintegration now. Portion off part of the brooder with a section of chicken wire/ hardware cloth for her and maybe one or two more docile friends. It will be much easier to reintroduce 2 groups together than one single chicken. The wire will prevent bullies from harming her, while allowing interaction.
As far as being smaller, I have a single tiny brown leghorn in a mixed flock of larger chickens. Cricket holds her own and is somewhere in the middle of the pecking order🙂
Hopefully she survives and thrives for you. I don't have any experience with mycoplasma in the flock, but if you haven't already done so, you can search the forums as I know there are people on BYC who keep mycoplasma positive flocks and can offer lots of helpful tips.

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