What breed is my roo?


7 Years
Apr 7, 2012
I've had him since he was a chick, and he's over 2 years old now. I've yet to figure out what he is, despite asking here before. Everyone seemed to have mixed opinions, which is reasonable since he's just a mix that came from a farm. However, I have eggs under a broody from EEs, an Australorp, and BR crossed with this rooster and I would just like to know what I might expect. Here are pics of the EEs and the roo. The rooster does have a few feathers on his legs.

This is a pic from when they were pullets.
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I'm confused...you say he's a mix, then ask what breed he is? He's not a specific breed, he's a barnyard mix, and mixed enough no specific breed stands out. Your chicks will be surprises, that's part of the fun of hatching mixed breed birds
look like a New Hamp, but likely a mix if he's got leg feathers.

chicks from you barred rock will be sexlinked. barred males and black females. You may not be able to tell the females from the rest of the chicks from the other hens, but the males will be black with a white spot on thier head. Hard to tell what you"ll get with the EE's, they are mixes of breed and color, never know what your going to get
The more silver looking EE hens will most likely just give red sex link chicks with him, though they might have some random patterning.Hens can't carry gold if they already have silver, since the gene is sex linked. Silver is dominant and will reduce most of the gold if there is only one gold gene so the male is homozygous for gold.

Australorps' chicks will most likely all be black because Extended Black tends to be a pretty dominant base pattern.
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no. Black sexlinks are non barred rooster over barred hens. Red sexlinks are red/ gold rooster over silver hens.
Your Lorp does not have the right genes.
Oh ok. I just came across this thread and wondered. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/845017/new-hampshire-red-and-black-australorp-cross-sex-links

The more silver looking EE hens will most likely just give red sex link chicks with him, though they might have some random patterning.Hens can't carry gold if they already have silver, since the gene is sex linked. Silver is dominant and will reduce most of the gold if there is only one gold gene so the male is homozygous for gold.

Australorps' chicks will most likely all be black because Extended Black tends to be a pretty dominant base pattern.
If only they were for sure sexlinked, and I could get a good guess on males and females early on. Though I'm kinda hoping for as much random patterning as I can get. That's why I mostly have EEs. So the black EE/Ameraucana (whichever she's classified as shown above) would likely also produce black chicks?
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Yes, the black EE will likely give black chicks or mostly black with some red leakage with this roo. Though your boy looks like he might have a blue gene, his marks look blue-gray rather than really black, a single blue gene turns all black to blue[two turns all black to 'splash'], so mostly blue chicks will also pop up, both from the australorp and the black EE.

Also if he does have a blue gene and it's not just lighting in the pic making it look like that, his black sexlink babies can also be blue based in addition to black based. They will still have the barring on males and non-barring on females though.
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