What breed are these? Help!


5 Years
Aug 20, 2014
Hampton Bays, NY
Hello! So I'm new to chickens and I picked up our chicks at our local Agway 6 weeks ago. We were supposed to get:
1 buff Orpington
1 black australorp
1 silver laced wyandotte
1 light brahma
2 Americaunas

I'm pretty sure there is no light brahma in the mix, but what do I know?

Here is Buffy, a buff Orpington (and the only one we are sure of lol)

Here is Lola, the black australorp ( I think??)


Here is Rosita and Chickaletta, who we think are the two Americaunas:


Here is Chibi...but this is where we are confused. Is she a silver laced wyandotte?


And finally, our mystery bird, Juliett. There's no way she's a light brahma, I think. What us she?

She is lovely whatever she is. Any input would be greatly appreciated, we need some expert eyes. Also any Roos in the mix that you can tell? Thanks so much!!
Looks like a BR if she has a single comb, if it's a rose comb than she is a Dominique!

All the rest look to be pullets too :)

And all you guesses are right, but the Amaracanas are EE
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Your "Light Brahma" is actually a Barred Plymouth Rock (single comb) or Dominique (rosecomb). And your Ameraucanas are actually Easter Eggers. However, the others are the breeds that they're supposed to be, and all are pullets.
Thanks so much for your help! We knew she couldn't be a light brahma, but we were baffled. We even looked at the list of other types of chicks available the week we picked ours up at Agway and the only types we didn't buy we're Hubbard golden comets, golden laced wyandotte and Rhode Island reds but none of those seemed to fit the bill either. However upon looking at the list again, barred rocks were available the week earlier, so I guess we got a leftover! We love her!

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