Turkey Tom 8 months old Not Eating,Sick??

Corid, 14 french cath, 60 ml syringe, pedialyte, baby bird food

Perfect! If he's drinking on his own you can put 1.5 teaspoons of the Corid powder (2 teaspoons if it's liquid) in his gallon waterer right now. If you think he's hydrated you could tube the food, but if he's still dehydrated I'd wanna give him 60-120 of Pedialyte. How much I give really depends on the size of the bird and the elasticity of their crop. Remember that it's easy to give more, but it's almost impossible to safely remove excess. Maybe start with 30ml, see what his crop feels like. If it still feels empty, add another 30ml. Repeat until you feel a slight bulge. Wait for the crop to clear, then tube baby bird food the same way. It won't take long for you to figure out the amount that works best for him.

I gave him some of the baby bird food mixed with pedialyte and got one syringe in tonight. I'll start the corid tomorrow. I couldnt find any fresh poop to take a picture of. Ill be more alert and able tomorrow than i was today

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