Hen Picking at Her Leg


10 Years
Jun 10, 2013
My hen Peep, has been picking at her leg. What wrong with her?

She is a year and a half RSL. I have noticed this on her leg for several weeks now. She doesn't seem to be in pain.

It looks like she has some scaly leg mites by the raised scales. She may have injured that one spot or has been picking at it due to the itching. Soak the legs in warm soapy water, use a soft old toothbrush to very gently rub the scales just to loosen them, and dry thoroughly with a towel. Then use some type of oil on the legs rubbing it underneath the edges of the scales. Do this once a week for several weeks. Vaseline, vegetable oil, castor oil (because it stays on longer,) and other non-toxic oils may be used. The other chickens may have them, and the coop should be cleaned out and sprayed with permethrin.
When I go out I will get some pics. It is only on this leg.

I considered scaly leg mites but when I rescued a hen back in 2013, she had scaly leg mites and they didn't look like this, they were more raised and dirty.

you may want to cover it with something until it heals- like clear fingernail polish or superglue and make sure it dries before you let her back out

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