Peababy Help....


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 20, 2014
So a friend of my mom's gave me 7 peafowl eggs, I ended up with 1 quitter, 1 died at the very end (I was so sad to see a fully formed chick in that egg), and 5 little peababies. Last night the last one finally hatched. I caught it hatching 4 days earlier than expected when I went to pull it off the turner. The membrane was already starting to dry out so I spayed it (fine mist) and put it in the hatcher. It took a while but did finally hatch out. The chick had this bloody goop where there is occasionally yolk left overs, a swollen belly, and flat fat head. I didn't expect it to make it through the night, but this morning it was still alive. The baby has yet to stand (that I have seen, but I have been trying to leave it be so my girls won't get attached) and kind of pushes itself around. I just don't know what to do. Will it's head correct itself? If it does, it should appear normal. The swelling in it's belly had gone down this morning and it's peeping. I hate to cull it (if it survives the day) if it maybe just an early hatcher. If you haven't guessed, this is my first peafowl experience. I've had extremely good luck hatching and wanted to try my hand at these since every thing I read said they were extremely difficult to hatch.

And because we all love baby pictures, this is peababy #1 giving me the stank eye for taking his/her picture

Congratulations on your hatches

Many time when we have to assist the baby will have this swollen neck, it is called a pipping muscle it will go down, they bloody umbilical is gonna be OK, folks here recommend putting some neosporen with out pain med in it.
the bubble butt as i call it will go down and the baby will be able to get it's balance to stand, this is usually cause when the yoke has been absorbed but the energy has not yet been used up to make it go down , i have seen it a few times when i had to assist but never when they hatched out on their own so far, this is only my second year to hatch out peas so i am learning with each hatch and each year.

give the little one time a couple days it should be up and running, i would make sure it is always righted and not laying upside down or on it's side, you can roll up a hand towel and make a donut out of it wrap it around the wee pea to keep it up right.

Hope this helps
Pleas post photos of your pretties.

There is lots of info on this site so if you need help or don't know something don't be afraid to ask cause we are all here for each other.
Thank you, my mind has been eased somewhat. I'll be happy when I see #5 running with his/her sibblings as a happy healthy peababy! I'll get some more pics tonight to share with y'all!
Is it unheard of for a newly hatched chick to have pasty butt? Or is there more to this than I want to face? I got home and there is this yellow gunk plastered to his butt. I cleaned it of and more oozed out, I squeezed gently until there was no more and he seems to be more content now than before. Although he is swollen in the belly still but seems to sit up a little easier now. Compared to not at all its not much but it is something, right?
Are you sure it's from the vent? Is it possible that what you're seeing is the umbilicus? If one picks the scab off yolk will leak out.

It's the vent, the umbilical is still scabbed up. It was definitely waste coming out.
keep us all updated I'm keen to see how the little guy goes.
Good luck we're all rooting for the both of you

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