Dog chasing my ducks.


5 Years
Oct 9, 2014
North Wales
Hey guys,
I have four ducks and two Lhasa Apso dogs.
They have all grown up together and there is never been a problem when I free range the ducks in the garden.
Just recently my 7 month Lhasa Apso has started chasing the ducks resulting in them running back to their pond in the enclosure.
I think he is only doing it playfully and wouldn't hurt them but im not taking the risk so keep them in their run now.
Has anybody got any tips on how I can train my dog to stop scaring them away?
Thank you
I was really shouting at him but he just wouldn't listen! Thats good idea.. I will try that tomorrow.
My poor duckies..
It's strange how he has just started doing it!
Hormones - I think we all suffer from them

Glad you are taking this seriously. The ducks' lives depend on you.
7 months is when dogs start the independent phase in life. They are comfortable venturing away from their pack and home.

Work on a solid Leave It and recall. You need to catch him before he starts chasing otherwise neither command will do you any good as he is too focused on the fun of moving squeaky toys.

Put a boring treat such as hard dog food under your foot. (Wear a shoe). Make sure he sees you do this. Wait until he gives up trying to get the treat and either looks away or looks at you. When this happens say Leave It" and give him a yummy treat from your hand. (cheese, chicken, etc...) Do this a few times until he looks up at you as soon as you place the treat under your foot. Then start to place the treat down and keep your foot slightly above the treat while saying Leave it. If he goes for the treat put your foot down fast so he doesn't get it. Continue to work at this until you can set a treat down say Leave It and not use your foot at all, then drop a treat in front of him. Once you have accomplished all of this you should be able to walk by a treat on the ground with him on leash and say Leave It. Give him a yummy treat as soon as he looks away from the treat you are walking by. (keep enough distance so he cannot get the treat as you walk by. Close but not that close)

Then you can start using Leave It on other objects, such as your ducks. As soon as he looks at them say Leave It. If he looks away give him a treat. If he doesn't move further away from the ducks and try again.

Recall or come command:
Start off on a 6' leash. Let him get distracted and say his name followed by the recall command. I use the word Here. As soon as he turns to you, he has already made the right decision so start praising him in an excited voice. Praise all the way in. So with my dogs it is "Zelda Here! Good Puppy! Good Puppy! Good Puppy!" I also reel the leash in, I'm not pulling her in but I take up the extra so that she can't change her mind and leave. Once he gets to you make sure you touch his collar or harness while giving a treat. You want him to think that being touched is part of the command. That way it's easier to cach a loose dog as he expects to be handled. He won't duck away from your touch.

You can slowly work up longer distances then start to add in distractions such as someone offering food or squeaking a toy. If the distractions are too much for him make them less intense and try again.

Hope that helps!
I was really shouting at him but he just wouldn't listen! Thats good idea.. I will try that tomorrow.
My poor duckies..
It's strange how he has just started doing it!
Lhasa's are stubborn. I raised 'em myself once. Yelling does nothing if there's no weight behind your words. These dogs need discipline from a young age, or else they can get out of control.

I like the leashing idea, but obviously it's not a permanent solution. They do well indoors but are hyper lil' things, so you gotta let 'em run sometimes! Is there any way to keep the dogs locked up while you let the duckies out, and vice versa?
My German Shepherd 1 year old and Golden Retriever 2 years old leave the ducks and chickens alone. But I have seen them just a couple of times rush at them to watch them scatter. I think they think it's a great joke. Other than that, they never look at them. I have one cat that will hide in the bushes and jump out when a chicken comes by.....again, playing games. My daughter brought her chocolate lab for a week visit. He's always been tethered in her backyard. She brought his shock collar. His first inclination was to run at them, and she toned him. Maybe two more times he turned towards them, she toned and then shocked. Now, he's good around them when he comes for a visit.

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