7 wk pullet, ruffled feathers, won't move


5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
Dallas, TX
Hi all,

My 7-wk-old Speckled Sussex isn't doing so great. I noticed it starting last night- she keeps her feathers ruffled out, her head pulled in tight, and won't move much. Her crop doesn't seem distended at all, but she's also making the most pathetic little peeping sounds. I also think her legs are looking a little pale, but I know this breed has paler skin- so that may be all in my head.

Now, I moved her and my other girls (5 total) to their outside coop last week and also put in a new nipple waterer recently. Do you think any of this is related? I quarantined her today, just to watch her closer. Any thoughts? Have you ever had a hen reject a nipple waterer? I honestly haven't noticed if she's actually drinking from it. I started vitamin drops in quarantine just in case it may help. Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated!
Here are some pictures in case they help.


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