My leukemia's back.

lg, I won't pray for anymore work for you.

hb, glad you managed to stop in. 3 jobs doesn't give you any extra time for anything.

Thanks for not praying. I was scheduled for 4 days this week, got downgraded to 2!

I got here by complete accident compliments of a BYC draft / quote glitch (or not ;)) so i don't know squat about this thread :>
:lau:lau hi anyway! :frow

This thread in a nutshell: Donrae is a wonderful lady, full of compassion, love, wisdom, humor. She started this thread when she was facing her second onslaught of Leukemia. We rallied around her, became a support system, sounding board, prayed, cried, laughed, and HELPED EACH OTHER through the many tribulations that this life can throw at us. Our beloved Rachel lost her battle with leukemia some time ago. Was it about a year ago? Longer? But, we continue on, in her memory, sharing our triumphs, battles, prayers. If you note, in my first statement, I referred to Rachel in present tense. She has merely traded her worn out corrupt body for a healed, perfect, uncorruptible body. Rachel possesses great faith and love for Jesus, and is basking in His presence now.
Welcome, Boonie...unless I already said that, in which case welcome again!

Slow day planned for today. Planned. We'll see how that goes! Got my appointments with the gastro docs tomorrow, so I hope to be lazy all day know, resting up for yet another trip to Billings and looking my best (as "best" as I can look with no eyelashes) and all fresh so he won't find anything wrong! :lau
Going for my breast biopsy today at 12:30, then shopping.

You're made of tougher stuff than me. When I had a stereotactic (?sp.) done, I came out of that torture room looking like I'd been shell shocked.

Welcome, Boonie...unless I already said that, in which case welcome again!

Slow day planned for today. Planned. We'll see how that goes! Got my appointments with the gastro docs tomorrow, so I hope to be lazy all day know, resting up for yet another trip to Billings and looking my best (as "best" as I can look with no eyelashes) and all fresh so he won't find anything wrong! :lau

Well, Blooie, at least you won't be batting your lashes at him! Prayers for both you and Cap with your procedures. Prayer for gentle and compassionate handling by your care providers, and for good test results.
Thanks, LG...I ain't worried though. It's just a followup on the swallowing issues I had last summer, so it should be a piece of cake. The swallowing never has resolved completely but I'm used to the restrictions now and I can live with it! I think the docs are more worried about it than I am. He's going to schedule a scope but that won't be done today.

Cap, I'll be praying for you!!

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