Need Help with Star This is her Poop


5 Years
Dec 2, 2014
I noticed her looking pale a few days ago and not moving quite as much as normal yesterday so i examined her to find some runny white and yellow poo on her feathers so I caged her up away from the flock brought her inside and gave her bath, thinking maybe she was egg bound, I left her some milk, yogurt, oats, water and let her rest, she ate some yogurt this morning but today no egg, so I gave her an warm Epsom salt bath and syringe fed her rosemary apple cider vinegar water and massaged her belly and vent and went to pull her out of the water and she had an explosive blow out of this poop same crumbly white pasty poo but this time with watery green crumbles, happy to have gotten her to poo because maybe she doesn't have a stuck egg or if she does have a stuck egg the poo may help her pass the egg.. Still not convinced that's what is going on
How old is your chicken? Worms can cause pale color and diarrhea. Valbazen will treat all chicken worms with 1/2 ml given orally, and repeated in 10 days. Toss out eggs for a total of 24 days. I would add some probiotics powder to the water (Probios and Gro2Max) are good brands, and several vitamins contain probiotics as well. Chickens don't digest dairy foods well, so milk or large amounts of yogurt may cause more diarrhea. Epsom salts is a laxative, so don't let her get any in her beak. Here is a fair deal on Valbazen if you can't find it locally:
Please anyone chime in to help I'm afraid stars condition is worsening rapidly and I have no idea what to do to help her. She's refusing to eat and drink. Her tummy is red and has red blotched skin that looks like blood colored brusises or broken blood vessels her bones are Protruding and she looks very thin and sickly. She doesn't always keep her eyes open I can tell she is suffering. I don't think she's going to make it at this point unless someone can advise me of a medication to try in the morning or a visit to a vet (if I can find one) I am trying to syringe water into her mouth as best I can but she's not getting much down and if she goes too long without water and food she's going to get weak and die. What can I do to force her fluids and food? HELP
Don't give her any more baths or soaks. Do you have any Corid (amprollium) to treat her for coccidiosis? If not, do you have any Sulmet? I asked how old she was since that could indicate that she may be suffering from coccidiosis if she is under 5-7 months old. I would make or get some poultry electrolytes (SaveAChick or other brands) tonight, and give her some directly into her beak 1/2 ml at a time while letting her swallow. Dipping her beak into water for a second or two would be an even safer method of getting her to drink. If it sounds like coccidiosis symptoms--lethargy, puffing up or hunching, diarrhea (sometimes with blood ,) not eating, and weakness, then I would get Corid or amprollium right away. Can you post a picture of her blotched skin?

1/2 teaspoon salt substitute*
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 gallon water
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I gave her another warm Epsom saltsoak a little bit ago after I fed her some yogurt and some powdered feed mixed with water I got her to eat the yogurt on a spoon but just a tiny bit and I put the feed mixed into water in a syringe and propped her beak open and let it drip straight back and down her tounge I did this a couple of times and she had yogurt and feed all over her so I washed her just to get it off and then wrapped her in a warm towel and blow dried her in the process of her in the water she had a blow out and it was her third one today, very liquidy green, like the last one except this one was VERY FOUL smelling and had 2 brown and white chunks of something floating in the water, that 1 similar chunk was also present on her previous blow out, no idea what it was? Took a picture.
I have no medicines on hand of any kind because I am raising organic poultry except things like apple cider vinegar, DE, baking soda, sugar, honey, molasses, dried herbs, wormwood tincture, Epsom salt, vetricine spray I use topically on my rabbit as needed, I was told from the breeder when I got her a few months ago that she is 1.5-2 years old, I do however have 10 pullets and 2-4 cockerels in that age range from the same breeder, none of them are sick, showing any sign of diarrhea, lethargy, or paleness whatsoever. And star has been quarenteed inside where its warm, its been below freezing at night, near freezing during the day, way to cold for her to deal with such illness. I am however if able to track something down to purchase tommarow morning and I am willing to treat her only and not the rest of my otherwise healthy flock. I have a co op not sure about tractor supply it may be too far away from me. I'll have to look it up.
I will try to take pictures of her blotched skin, here's her poop with the chunks I'll try to post it
She may be beyond the age for cocci. Worms could be the problem, or possibly the food she is eating. Sometimes all of the added herbs and foods can cause diarrhea (molasses.) You may want to back off and just give her plain chicken feed and water, and worm her to see if she improves. In hens 2 years or so, internal laying and egg yolk peritonitis can be a problem with vague symptoms of not wanting to move much, diarrhea, or droppings containing cooked egg-looking material. Hope she gets better for you.
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