Rookie experience of how to butcher a chicken


6 Years
Feb 21, 2013
Princeton, New Jersey
I had to remove a small section of this video and resubmit, this is the G version. Youtube placed it on the adult list. It really don't see why, It really wasn't graphic. Anyway, I hope this helps your rookie butcherers.

Well done! Thanks for sharing this. This is the sort of thing I could have used more of way back when as a rookie myself.

Just a suggestion: one thing I'd recommend for people new to slaughtering chickens especially is to use some form of decapitation rather than trying to bleed them out with a knife. Like you say, it's really hard to get in there through the feathers sometimes, and can be tricky finding the carotid arteries, and more so if your knife is anything less than razor sharp. Fumbling with a live, bleeding bird in your hands, unsure of the effectiveness of your cut(s), is a good way for a newbie to lose their hard-won nerve fast, making it more traumatic for them and anyone helping and undermining confidence--it also sucks even more for the chicken! Much better, IMHO, to just take the head off with one swing of a hatchet, machete, or cleaver. There are plenty of simple ways to do this, all time-tested. And if you are afraid you lack the coordination or whatever, you can hang the bird upside-down and, as I've seen people do, pull down a little on the head while simultaneously using a sharp pair of pruning clippers or tinsnips or similar in the other hand to instantly take the head off with no chance of missing. Some people say that decapitation doesn't bleed the meat out as effectively, but I have not found this to be the case at all. It works just fine for home slaughtering and I also feel it's much more humane than cutting into and bleeding out a live, still-conscious animal. (There's also the "english method" of cervical dislocation which is very quick, effective, and also very clean as there is no blood dripping or splattering, but takes a bit more technique to do right).


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