1 to 10 on owning chickens?


5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
What do you think about them? 1 being the worst and 10 being the best? Tell me what YOU thinks. Rules: no getting mad at someones answer. Thanks!
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Depends on one's housing and other commitments. You live in a high rise apartment or a farm? Do you travel or a homebody. All things considered, probably a 3 for most people with 1 being a sure thing.
I first got my chickens 10 months ago.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, I would vote owning chickens at about a 7.

I love them dearly. They are funny to watch and have wonderful personalities. Having baby chicks hatch and watching the Momma Hens raise them is lovely too. And the eggs are fantastic - so much better than store bought eggs.

I deducted points for the few down sides that I have experienced: They are a LOT of work as far as cleaning goes, chicken feed can be expensive, and sometimes they do get sick and die. That's always sad.

- Krista
There are good and bad days that occur from when I first got my chickens in August. Lucky none of them have died, they're tons of fun to watch, I love learning more about them. Yes the cleaning can be time consuming and they do try and plan escape heists in my rural neighbor hood ( my neighbors wouldn't like my chickens running wild.)
But the excitement of getting the first egg made it all worth it.
So even though the ups and downs it's an 8/10
For me the biggest downside is being limited on travel opportunities. Probably wouldn't be bad if I had a predator proof coop and run of 4 chickens and I only needed a friend to check on them occasionally but with as many as 8 flocks that free range or need pasture/forage rotated it's much tougher. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
Thanks guys!
I am going to get 6 hens in a month or 2.
Super excited!
Happy you guys like them so far!
Anyone else want to answer.
Congratulations, I'm sure you will enjoy them.

Just remember that prevention is always better than cure. Keeping their coop, run, feeders and waterers clean means that your birds will be healthier in the long run.

If you do a little bit of cleaning every day it makes it much easier than leaving it for a while and then trying to fix a filthy environment.

- Krista

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