
Sadly, I've lost another chick, and this one is one of the easter eggers I bought, all the other chicks are thriving but the weak ones that I noticed since I opened the box are starting to die off:( so far 1 easter egger and 1 packing peanuts are gone, hoping for the best
Sadly, I've lost another chick, and this one is one of the easter eggers I bought, all the other chicks are thriving but the weak ones that I noticed since I opened the box are starting to die off:( so far 1 easter egger and 1 packing peanuts are gone, hoping for the best
Unfortunately, those birds who were already showing signs of being compromised when you received them are going to be that much more inclined to succumb to this new stressor. All you can do is provide the very best supportive care you can. Wishing you and your remaining birds the best!

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