Cream Legbar and cream Legbars x wheaten Ameraucana chick lot


Mad Scientist
13 Years
Aug 1, 2009
San Diego, CA
I just had my first hatch of the year - :jumpy
A mixed group of cream Legbars, and some 3/4 cream Legbar 1/4 wheaten Ameraucana chicks.
They will be blue egg layers.
I do not have a brooder set up, so would rather just sell this lot ASAP. There are 11 chicks, and the 12th is just hatching. Is included if it look good.
Asking for $80 for all of them together.
Although I *think* I can see the pure bred Legbars I can make no guarantees on these chicks as the purebred eggs were not separated, and the buyer should assume they are just blue egg layers.
My wheaten Ameraucana x Legbar Pullets got rehomed so there will be no more of them :)

Please let me know ASAP if interested.

****Local pick up only****

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